Currently Unavailable 1/22
Brief Explanation
The embroidery machine is capable of creating multi-color embroideries from purchased designs, original designs, or it can convert a photo or image into an embroidery.
How it works
Software converts your photo into stitches. You can choose multiple colors of thread or just one color thread. You load the first color thread, and when it is ready, it will ask you to place in another color of thread. It is a robotic process with very little hands on work needed.
What it makes
Patches, baseball cap designs, hoodies, and more. It can do thousands of different colors and put almost any picture onto fabric!
Equipment List
- Husqvarna Designer Diamond Royale Digital Embroidery Machine
- Large Variety of Hoops, including large scale hoop and baseball cap hoop.
Safety & Basic Use Course (SBU)
Mondays 7:00pm
Zone Manager
Brian Herrera
Slack Channel